Iannis Xenaxis - Elecronic Music
Track List :
1. Diamorphoses (1957)
2. Concret PH (1958)
3. Orient-Occident (1960)
4. Orient-Occident (1960)
5. Bohor (1962)
6. Hibiki-Hana-Ma (1970)
Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance
Track list:
1. Non-alignment Pact
2. The Modern Dance
3. Laughing
4. Street Waves
5. Chinese Radiation
6. Life Stinks
7. Real World
8. Over My Head
9. Sentimental Journey
10. Humor Me
Einsturzende Neubauten - Silence Is Sexy
Tracklist :
1. Sabrina
2. Silence is Sexy
3. In Circles
4. Newtons Gravitätlichkeit
5. Zampano
6. Heaven is of Honey
7. Beauty
8. Die Befindlichkeit des Landes
9. Sonnenbarke
10. Musentango
11. Alles
12. Redukt
13. Dingsaller
14. Total Eclipse of the Sun
15. Pelikanol
Neptune - Gong Lake
1. Silver Pool
2. Grey Shallows
3. Paris Green
4. Purple Sleep
5. Yellow River
6. Copper Green
7. Blue Glass
8. Black Tide
9. Red Sea
10. Ebbing
Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance
Track list:
1. Non-alignment Pact
2. The Modern Dance
3. Laughing
4. Street Waves
5. Chinese Radiation
6. Life Stinks
7. Real World
8. Over My Head
9. Sentimental Journey
10. Humor Me
Einsturzende Neubauten - Silence Is Sexy
Tracklist :
1. Sabrina
2. Silence is Sexy
3. In Circles
4. Newtons Gravitätlichkeit
5. Zampano
6. Heaven is of Honey
7. Beauty
8. Die Befindlichkeit des Landes
9. Sonnenbarke
10. Musentango
11. Alles
12. Redukt
13. Dingsaller
14. Total Eclipse of the Sun
15. Pelikanol
Neptune - Gong Lake
1. Silver Pool
2. Grey Shallows
3. Paris Green
4. Purple Sleep
5. Yellow River
6. Copper Green
7. Blue Glass
8. Black Tide
9. Red Sea
10. Ebbing
1. Luigi Russolo –Risveglio Di Una Città2. Luigi Russolo –Crepitatore
3. Luigi Russolo –Ululatore
4. Luigi Russolo –Gracidatore
5. Luigi Russolo –Gorgogliatore
6. Luigi Russolo –Ronzatore
7. Luigi Russolo –Arco Enarmonico
8. Antonio Russolo –Corale
9. Antonio Russolo –Serenata
10. Francesco Balilla Pratella –L'Aviatore Dro Op. 33: Fragmente 2. Und 3. Akt Für Klavier, Rombatore, Sibilatore, Scoppiatore, Ululatore Und Stimmen
11. Giacomo Balla –Macchina Tipografica
12. Fortunato Depero –Canzone Rumorista
13. Riccardo Santoboni / Rossana Maggia –Omaggio A Luigi Russolo Für Stimme Und Digitale Intonarumori
1. New Fast2. 5:30
3. Blonde Red Head
4. 32123
5. New New
6. Lying On The Sofa Of Life